TTM is a team of people that makes a difference in a highly demanding field thanks to its technical and human quality. The company, with operations in Chile, Peru and Bolivia, has remained at the service of Mining for more than 39 years, providing this important productive sector with fundamental support in the field of MINERAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS through conveyor belts. TTM’s track record and deep knowledge allow it to take a systemic view and thoroughly understand the interactions of each client’s mineral flow. Day by day TTM seeks new ways to add reliability and productivity to the operations of each Mining Company, incorporating the most advanced technology in the world. Our way of doing things has its basis in Maintenance Engineering. Visualizing each transport system as a “whole”. Analyzing the root cause to detect spotlights. Having cutting-edge technologies and components to face each challenge in order to design integral responses through FAMILIES OF SOLUTIONS, which are the perfect mix between: Human team of excellence World-class partners Engineering High quality solutions Operational services We are recognized for having a culture of self-care, working safely, protecting the environment and in harmony with the community. We have a recognized high-performance team available and timely with whom it is easy and convenient to do business. We provide our customers with reliable, productive and safe integrated solutions, combining our products, services and expertise in mineral transport. We maintain good relationships of compliance, respect and mutual collaboration with selected suppliers.