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Orica Operators’ School drives diversity in the mining industry

Orica, one of the world’s leading suppliers of solutions and technology for mining and construction, has several initiatives to welcome more women: mentoring programs, an internal group of women blasters and the Orica School for Women Operators at the regional level.

Publicada: Tuesday 11 de April del 2023
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“At Orica we value the benefits of diversity and inclusion and have achieved tangible results, such as having 4 women on our Latin America Executive Committee and launching our Orica Operator School,” says Brian Gillespie, President of Latin America. The Orica Operators School was launched in March 2022 in Chile and Argentina, through a pilot program that allowed the recruitment of 5 new female operators, to continue its implementation in Peru (June) and Colombia (July), with 16 and 6 new participants, respectively. “These 27 new female operators will perform functions that were typically carried out by men, and are part of the 109 women who have joined Orica since October 2021,” says Francisca Saieh, Regional Head of Human Resources for Latin America. “The program allows us to close knowledge gaps, since some of the participants will work for the first time in a mining operation, forming diverse teams, improving the work environment and increasing productivity in some processes,” says Oscar Castañeda, General Manager of Chile. Daynah Vergara, one of the participants of the program in Chile expressed: “I feel very happy and grateful for the way Orica has supported us in this process that allows us to learn to face our work in a positive way and contribute to the mining industry as women”.

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