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Mining employment growth 4% in 2018

According with INE statistics, the mining employment growth 4% in 2018 in comparison with 2017, reaching 208,000 new employers.

Publicada: Thursday 28 de March del 2019
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“Economia y Negocios” El Mercurio newspaper, See original note HERE (spanish only)

According with INE statistics, the mining employment growth 4% in 2018 in comparison with 2017, reaching 208,000 new employers, while in 2017 were registered 200,000 employees, this means 8,000 new positions.

Mining is the productive sector with most incrementation in occupations between the economic sectors. In 2018 it increased 4%, instead 1.4% for others emblematic economic activities. For example, the industry decreases 2.8%, commerce 0.9% while the agricultural sector, construction and transportation growth 1%, 1.6% and 3.8% each”, says the CEO of SONAMI, Alvaro Merino.

The mining occupation increased in an important way in 2018 and has the highest work rates in the last 3 years. However, these statistics were inferior in 2015 and 2014, when reached 233,000 and 242,000 occupancy each.

On the other hand, the average unemployment in mining regions during 2018 is worrying, says the SONAMI executive, “While in the country the average unemployment in 2018, in comparison with the last year, grew from 6% to 7%, in Tarapacá from 7.3% to 8.1%, in Antofagasta increased from 8.5% to 9%, in Atacama from 7.2% to 8.2%, while in Coquimbo went down from 7.5% to 7%.

Merino also said, Antofagasta with 9% of unemployment, in 2018, had the highest level of unemployment in the country regions”. 

The SONAMI executive also mentioned that the last investments of US 18,000 million announced by the government in Spence, Los Bronces, Los Pelambres, Quebrada Blanca, Collahuasi and the project Nueva Unión will impact the workforce and new work possibilities will be available.

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