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Expomin 2023: XVII version ends with a positive balance of visitors

The organizers emphasized that the exhibition and international congress “was undoubtedly one of the largest of all time”.

Publicada: Friday 28 de April del 2023
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– The new version of the mining exhibition will be held in March 2025. – The organizers emphasized that the international exhibition and congress “was undoubtedly one of the largest of all time”. For four days, the world’s mining center gathered at Expomin 2023. The exhibition was attended by the country’s highest authorities, top executives of mining companies, 1,270 exhibitors, and brought to the debate the challenges of mining in Chile and the world. In view of this, the organization of the exhibition and international congress made a positive balance at the culmination of its XVII version and highlighted the deployment in Parque Fisa, which had 250,000 m2, the second largest area in the history of the exhibition after 2014. The executive director of Expomin, Francisco Sotomayor, pointed out that “there was a great expectation around the exhibition, especially due to the current news in the sector, as a result of the public discussion on the royalty and lithium. For this reason there was a large attendance, reaching 58,052 thousand visits during the four days, contributing to both exhibitors and visitors for the development of the industry, which is essential to boost the Chilean economy and promote the generation of new jobs. This version is undoubtedly one of the largest of all time, surpassing the figure of the 2018 and 2021 versions.” In view of the importance of the meeting at regional and national level, the executive director announced the new 2025 version. “Today, at the culmination of the largest international mining meeting in Latin America, and second most important worldwide, and after having the participation of the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric, the Minister of Mining, Marcela Hernando, and senior representatives of mining companies, we can say that Chile will be able to continue to grow strongly and offer significant development. This is why we are announcing the future version of Expomin, inviting everyone to participate between March 24 and 27, 2025”. In her assessment, the Minister of Mining, Marcela Hernando, pointed out that “this week our country was the stage for Expomin, one of the most important mining events at international level. The fair allowed us to consolidate our country’s leadership for foreign investment and also to highlight the technology-based solutions and innovation “made in Chile” that allow us to reinforce our commitment to sustainable mining. The Secretary of State added “this is based on a strategy of not only exporting minerals, but also exporting mining, through the knowledge, science, technology and innovation that we possess, because this is also a way of attracting investment to Chile. Finally, we can affirm that Expomin 2023 generated the synergies required by the industry to grow and project itself into the future”. Expomin’s organizers also informed that 8,180 foreign delegates attended the meeting. Considering that the hotel capacity of Santiago has 15,550 hotel beds, which would mean that Expomin was able to complete 52.6% of the hotel capacity of the city, contributing to the national tourist industry. In this context, the organizers stated that for this version “there was a great expectation around the exhibition, especially due to the current national contingency in the sector, so we had a very large attendance”. In that sense, they emphasized “we know that with a view to 2025 we have important logistical and road challenges, on which we are already working with the authorities to have the best solutions, we are challenged to make a constant improvement for future versions”. And they added that “this was also due to the great success and record figures in terms of exhibitors, visitors and m2 of exhibition space, especially with the rapid recovery of the post-pandemic exhibition world”. Congress The International Congress had a high attendance of 3,581 participants and included 14 seminars and more than 100 speakers, including the important participation of the Minister of Mining, Marcela Hernando, senior executives of mining companies, representatives of mining associations and public and private actors, as well as a 40% participation of women. The congress was chaired by Teck’s vice-president for South America, Amparo Cornejo, who highlighted that “Expomin allowed us to reflect on the key role of mining in the energy transition, including essential aspects such as trust, the relationship with communities and the development of responsible mining.” In addition, he highlighted, the conversation of the panels where all industry players shared their contribution for a better mining. News The exhibition featured state-of-the-art technology in machinery, highlighting vehicles driven by electromobility, providing savings and optimization in mining transportation. Among other novelties, the metaverse gave visitors the possibility of being immersed in real mining spaces and touring the fair through virtual reality glasses, breaking geographical barriers. In this edition, the trend that promises to change the operation stood out, such as intelligent sites, with options to provide better tools to workers in the mining industry. With the presentation of robotics, vehicles, equipment, cybersecurity and industrial promotion, the exhibition highlighted opportunities for innovation and development, and the presence of companies related to energy transition, environmental care, mining safety and community engagement. Also, for the first time, the organization held the Mining Night as part of Expomin, as an important networking space in which 374 senior executives from the sector participated. Startups In its role of Corporate Social Responsibility, this year Fisa, the organizer of Expomin, together with the Ministry of Mining, ProChile, Alta Ley and Sonami, granted a free space in the Mining Pavilion to 40 national startups related to the industry, who were able to interact with the industry and see business possibilities and thus contribute to its growth and development. The selected supplier companies represented technology-based suppliers that are intensive in the use of information for the optimization of mining processes, applying software for data analytics and Artificial Intelligence (AI), augmented reality and virtual reality as effective mechanisms for knowledge-based decision making. In addition, this year Fisa, in order to contribute to the environment, deployed at Expomin 16 thousand square meters of DEX flooring, an ultra-resistant plastic slab for industrial use, manufactured in Chile, which is made 100% with recycled plastics from Patagonia. The manufacture of this floor used in Expomin allowed the recycling of 270 tons of plastic. In addition, a large part of the post-fair waste, such as carpet, plastics, among others, was recycled. Finally, the executive director, Francisco Sotomayor, thanked all those who participated in the exhibition “supporting once again Expomin’s historic return to full attendance. We feel satisfied and challenged as an organization to continue improving everyone’s experience in what is the largest professional exhibition in the country.” Press contact: Michelle Helguero: +56990162752 Ricardo Varas +569 4432 6608

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