Within the framework of Expomin 2025, and with the aim of promoting young talent and mitigating the effects of climate change in mining, Anglo American and Anglo American Foundation launched the call “Desafío Innova Minería”, an initiative that will be developed by ChileGlobal Ventures, the entrepreneurship, innovation and investment area of Fundación Chile, and which also has the collaboration of Endeavor.
The initiative seeks to invite young entrepreneurs, students from technical and university training centers, researchers and academics to apply for innovative projects associated with the mining industry, focused on two key challenges: Circular Economy and Decarbonization and resilience to climate change.
Francisco Sotomayor, CEO of GL events Chile stated that “we are happy to be part of this call, which is focused on young talent and the transfer of knowledge and technological experiences. This initiative is aligned with the main objective of Expomin 2025, which seeks to consolidate itself as the most relevant mining fair in Latin America. This challenge is very important for the industry, as it focuses on the development of technological solutions that respond to the current and future challenges of mining”.
Along the same lines, Juan Pablo Schaeffer, Anglo American’s Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, said that “it is essential for us to promote initiatives focused on sustainability, contributing to the communities where we operate and reinforcing the importance of projects that contribute to the mining industry. In addition, this year, Patricio Hidalgo, our executive president in Chile, is leading the Expomin Congress, and one of his focuses has also been on how we promote young talent, taking advantage of its potential for the development of sustainable economic opportunities, so Desafío Innova Minera also goes in that direction”.
In line with the above, solutions focused on water efficiency, glacier protection, reduction in the use of materials, reuse of by-products and non-operational waste will be sought. In addition, special emphasis will be given to innovations that promote green jobs, mitigation and reduction of emissions, as well as the strengthening of resilience to natural phenomena derived from climate change.
Two challenges will be addressed:
Circular Economy: Focusing on solutions with innovations for industry in the areas of water efficiency, glacier protection to minimize its retreat in the face of climate change, reduction of material use, reuse of by-products and non-operational waste.
Decarbonization and resilience to climate change: Focused on solutions that include innovations for green jobs, mitigation and reduction of emissions and building resilience to natural phenomena in the face of climate change.
Arturo Labbé, Director of Corporate Venturing at ChileGlobal Ventures, said that “this initiative reaffirms our commitment to promoting innovative solutions that contribute to a more sustainable and resilient mining industry. In addition, through Innova Minería, we seek to encourage the participation of new generations, attracting young talent to contribute to the challenges of the sector, thus promoting a more dynamic industry that is prepared for the future”.
Who can apply?
Teams are invited to include at least one member associated with a higher education institution or technical training center (undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and academics are considered), and teams with projects between TRL3-TRL6.

In addition to connecting with the mining industry, accessing mentoring with industry experts and exhibiting their projects at the largest mining industry fair in Latin America, participants will also be eligible for cash prizes. In the Intermediate Maturity Category (TRL5-6), first place will receive CLP $20,000,000, second place CLP $10,000,000 and third place CLP $3,000,000. On the other hand, in the Early Maturity Category (TRL3-4) there will only be one winner, who will receive CLP $2,000,000.
Applications will be open until March 28 at www.desafioinnovamineria.cl