Exhibitors News

Cocesa Prysmian Group: Chilean company Cobre Cerrillos present at EXPOMIN 2021

The Chilean company Cobre Cerrillos (COCESA) was founded in Santiago in 1950 and today is part of Prysmian Group, the world leader in the electrical cable industry.

Wednesday 15 de September del 2021

HCA experiences in mine drainage and ventilation with more than 20 years of experience at Expomin 2021

Company formed by professionals dedicated 100% to the service of our customers, for which we have a great experience in DRAINAGE and VENTILATION of mines,

Wednesday 15 de September del 2021

CiDRA Minerals Processing with presence in 45 countries will be at EXPOMIN 2021

CiDRA Minerals Processing has become a strategic partner for major mining companies, with a presence in more than 400 operations distributed in just over 45 countries around the world.

Monday 13 de September del 2021

Patiño y Compañía SpA will exhibit at EXPOMIN 2021 novelties in environmental products

For more than 25 years, in Patiño y Compañía SpA we are dedicated to providing technical and quality solutions to industry and mining, through the representation and direct marketing of inputs for industrial maintenance, total control of corrosion and industrial detergency.

Monday 13 de September del 2021

LOE present with its main brands at EXPOMIN 2021

We are a company that for more than 5 years we have been dedicated to providing specialized supplies and equipment for the area of maintenance and repair of rotating machines and test equipment for medium voltage electrical system

Monday 13 de September del 2021

Le Grand Chic: delivering well-being to workers

The company with more than 100 years of history expanded its market to the sale of workwear, bed and hotels; custody and wardrobe services; transfer and maintenance,

Thursday 9 de September del 2021

Fundición las rosas s.a. fundición y maestranza at expomin 2021

Fundición las Rosas S.A. began its operation in 1.884 delivering the service of foundry and maestranza, being one of the companies with the longest history in Chile.

Thursday 9 de September del 2021

Mining needs suppliers who add value. We know. For this reason, RedNegocios CCS joins Expomin.

Suppliers are a key player in the value chain!, is a phrase we have heard for years. When we see reality, we notice that there are always areas of opportunity for process optimization.

Thursday 9 de September del 2021


Is a company with a purpose: to deliver the best technical and reliable solutions in matters of security and personal protective equipment. Contribute to the development of knowledge in these matters

Thursday 9 de September del 2021

Corroxion (tscorrosion spa) at expomin 2021

Company specialized in the Representation and Commercialization of Anticorrosive products and materials, of the highest resistance and performance. Premier Line- Densona (Winn & Coales uk – USA)

Thursday 9 de September del 2021

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