Our company Gestión y Economía Minera Limitada, will participate as exhibitor in the XVII edition of Expomin 2023 from April 24 to 27 in Parque Fisa, Pudahuel, Santiago Chile. We are very excited to inform that GEM will be part of the XVII edition of Expomin 2023. In this opportunity as exhibitors of Expomin 2023, we will present the different business areas that our company offers such as: Analytics, Economics, Evaluation, Optimization, and Strategy. We will count with the participation of some members of the GEM staff, formed by Civil and Industrial Engineers with mentions in Mining, as well as Masters and PhD in Mineral Economics. The main focus of our stand will be to present in an interactive way and with case studies to the visitors, the DeepMine 4.1 software, a strategic planning tool for open pit mines, which increases up to 20% the value of the project or operation. DeepMine 4.1 has the most advanced calculation engine in the market and a powerful visualization system. It generates flexible and robust mine plans in the face of materializing economic uncertainties. About GEM GEM is an industrial engineering company specialized in Mining Management and Economics. It has more than 14 years of experience and more than 400 successfully implemented projects providing knowledge, experience and solutions in the mining industry. Contact information Felipe Guzman Administration and Finance Manager fguzman@gem-mc.com www.gem-mining-consulting.com