Xcel Inspection, an expert in cutting-edge technologies at an international level and leader in Latin America in the commercialization of non-destructive testing equipment, will be at EXPOMIN for another year. The company provides remote and field technical support, as well as courses, training and certification under ISO 9712, taught by level 3 experts entirely in Spanish. One of the techniques they will present is the Microwave; innovative technology designed specifically for the quali and quantitative inspection of non-conductive materials, such as HDPE, PVC, Polymers in general, up to composite materials such as Fiberglass, GRP or others. Lizard ACFM technology will also be present at the stand; faithfully detects and characterizes surface and subsurface fissures in metallic materials without the need to prepare surfaces, remove coatings and without using inputs or light assistance. Magnetic Flux Inspection (MRT) technology; allows the accurate survey of steel cables, identifying damage due to wear, fatigue, temperature or others, without the need to remove greases, lubricants or clean the cables previously. The Acoustic Emission, with Vallen Systeme technology, locates and establishes criticalities of corrosion defects in storage tanks, cracks in pressure vessels, construction or service defects in wind blades, analyze the integrity of metal or concrete bridges, among other appeasings. The company will present, in addition to the aforementioned technologies, Guided Waves and Semi-Automated Magnetic Fastening Robotics, for the inspection of tank walls, spheres, pipes and welds.