International News

Mining companies present project in Argentina to explore gold and copper deposits

The agreement “will allow Agua Rica Project to be developed and operated using infrastructure and installations from Minera Alumbrera Limited. in Catamarca” is the official information.

Publicada: Thursday 28 de March del 2019
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The agreement “will allow Agua Rica Project to be developed and operated using infrastructure and installations from Minera Alumbrera Limited. in Catamarca” is the official information.

By America Economía. See original note HERE.

Buenos Aires. – The Argentinian President, Mauricio Macri, received the main authorities from the Mining companies: Yamana Gold, Glencore and Goldcorp which presented an agreement for the exploration project in Agua Rica; a gold and copper deposit located in the province of Catamarca in  northwest of the country.

The meeting took place at The Olivos Residence, 20 kilometers at the north of Buenos Aires, where the President had the company of the Finance Minister, Nicolás Dujovne, and the President of the International Investment and Commerce Agency of Argentina (AAICI), Juan Pablo Tripodi.

In representation of the companies, was the founder and executive President of Yamana Gold, Peter Marrone the CEO of Glencore Chile, Andrés Souper Herrera, and the Vice-executive President of corporate affairs of Goldcorp, Brent Bergeron, between other representatives’ firms, as the Government informed.

The proposed agreement “will allow Agua Rica project to be developed using the infrastructure from Minera Alumbrera Limited in Catamarca, says the official information. The Argentinian government says the preliminary studies reveal 25 years of production for this deposit with an annually rate of 236,000 tons of copper, gold, molybdenum and silver during its first 19 years of operations”.

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