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Chile Day: Minister Prokurica remark the Government acceleration mining investments

The Mining Minister Baldo Prokurica called international companies to consider our country as a destiny for their investments. The Ministry was head in the seminary “Chile Day” where our country brand was promoted during the last day of the PDAC.

Publicada: Thursday 28 de March del 2019
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The head of a Seminary focused on the Country at the world premier mineral exploration convention worldwide gave value to the industry impulse in growth of the economy.

Ministry of Mining see original note HERE.

The Mining Minister Baldo Prokurica called international companies to consider our country as a destiny for their investments. The Ministry was head in the seminary “Chile Day” where our country brand was promoted during the last day of the PDAC (Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada) 2019 in Toronto on March 6th.

The Minister also mentioned the contribution of Chilean mining saying “It is the most important sector of the economy. For years it has been a fundamental factor for progress and workforce. 30 years ago, 40% of the population was on extreme poverty, nowadays is been reduce to the 4%. Great part of this reduction is because of the mining activities. It is historic and we expect to have for long time”.

The authority also mentioned the relationship with Canada since the TLC was signed in 1997 and was updated two years ago. “The exchange is triple between the parts, as well as the exportations from Chile to Canada have growth 8 times and Canada’s exportations have duplicated. While in investment, Canada is the 3th biggest investor in our country and the first in our mining industry, detailed Prokurica minister.

As part of his exhibition, a book called “Chile an Investment and Opportunities Country” was presented which exposes 32 projects of middle mining as potential for investment or for external financing. The importance of the sector is because between 2006 and 2013, the exports were around US 2,460 million, overcoming wine industry.

“I would like to confirm that our Government it in favor of investments, in favor of more work, and development according to the norm and environmental regulations, the relationship with communities and respect for our aboriginal population. We implement the Ministry of Mining, office that helps investors in their projects permissions and collaborate with the installation process in our country. We know bureaucracy interferes in the fluency. This is why we are making efforts reducing it”, add the minster.

At last, Prokurica announced the next challenges and invited international companies to be part of “the main economic activity in the country and to contribute to Chilean families’ progress through a sustainable and inclusive mining”.

In the Chilean forum, also exposed companies and services related with National mining like Enami, Sernageomin, CODELCO, Teck and Minera Valle Central.

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